
My prayer is that you will be inspired, touched and filled with joy. May you realize that God is good all the time.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Catching Up

Wow, I cannot believe that it has been three days since I have posted on this blog.  Crazy thing is that I had to catch up on some bible study stuff as well earlier today.  I am telling you the days are just going by faster and faster each week.

I believe that sometimes we are put in the situation of getting behind for a reason.  What that reason is, I really don't know.  Most of you know that I am very OCD and I hate to get behind on anything.  I always have to have things planned in advance because I am not one of those, "fly by the seat of your pants", types.  Funny thing is that when I was going to school a few semesters ago, I would procrastinate until the last minute to get papers written, homework done, etc.  I always said that I did it because I worked better under pressure, but I really don't know why I did it.

So since today was the end of the month, I wanted to get everything done today.  Just in time to start all over again tomorrow.  Do you ever wonder why we tend to wait to do things sometimes?  I do, but I still haven't figured it out.  In fact, I need to start working on my To Do list for the next time I have some days off.  There are several things that I need to get done around the house.

One thing that I hope you will not procrastinate on, is trusting in God to take care of all your needs.  Remember that He loves you and all you need to do is invite Him in.

May you all have a wonderful and blessed day.  Thank you for continuing to read "The Pantry".

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I am just going to be very honest with you: today has been very frustrating for me.  Because of that I feel like I am having a really hard time writing.  So, I thought I would just write a little something about frustration.

It amazes me how the smallest things can make us frustrated.  To be honest again, it really doesn't take me long to get frustrated sometimes.  I did get my bible study done and I had hoped that would help, but it didn't.  Even though I absolutely loved my bible study, I still keep going back to the things that I have been frustrated about today.  

God had a different plan for me this afternoon then to be frustrated.  As I was going back through some of my notes trying to find something to write about, I came upon something that I had written down yesterday.  This is from the book of Psalms.  Psalms 139:23-24 (NIV)   23) Search me, O God, and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts.  24) See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.  This was also in our message at church this morning.  God wants us to allow Him into everything that is going on in our lives.  He wants us to call on Him in our times of trouble.  He wants to bless us with His might power.  He wants to heal us. He wants to deliver us.  All He wants us to say is "Here I am Lord, search me and lead me.  I want to follow You all the days of my life.  I want to do Your work."  God does not want us to stay in the pit of frustration or any other type of pit that we may be in.  He wants us to receive all of His promises.  

My personal prayer, "Lord, thank You for loving me.  Thank you for helping me to see that being frustrated is not really warranted in any of my situations today.  Lord, I pray that you will help me to be more able to control my frustrations and spend more time bringing honor and glory to You.  Jesus I thank you for the blood that you shed for me.  You are my King."  

Will you let God help you today and get you out of your pit? 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Watching God's Plan Unfold

I sit here tonight in amazement.  Amazed that I am watching God's plan unfold.  Sometimes it almost feels as if it is not even real.  I sometimes feel like I have to pinch myself in order to make sure that it is all not a dream.  Two weeks ago I wrote on "God's Plan"; in that blog I wrote a little about my son, but tonight I am going to write a little bit more.

When my son first started attending church with his girlfriend, I could immediately tell that there was something in him that was changed.  I still remember the day that he told me he was going to be baptized.  Of course, I was there for his baptism and cried my eyes out with tears of joy.  Since that time, he has never looked back.  He has given it all to God.  

I had the privilege of listening to him speak to the youth group last Wednesday.  He has such a love for God that you can see it all over his face.  I cannot even begin to explain what it is like to watch your child preach to a group of young people.  I could hear and feel the love that he has for God.  Tonight I got to watch him play bass guitar in the youth band, worshiping with music.  He has also spoken one other time to the youth and is also a member of our church puppet team.  Yes, I am a very proud Mom.  I am so proud of the man that he is becoming.  

God has a plan for my son's life.  I am so blessed and honored that I can be a part of watching this plan unfold.  I am so honored to watch him become the man that his Heavenly Father wants him to be.  I may be his mother, but God can give him so much more than I ever could.  I have always said that God gave me my son for a reason.  Part of that reason was I needed to change the path my life was taking back then; and he is still helping me now.  His faith has led me back to church.  I have renewed my faith and commitment to God, I have been baptized and I am allowing God to do His work in me.

God has a plan for you and He wants you to be able to watch it unfold.  All you have to do is give Him permission.  He will bless you beyond measure.  He will show you things that you never even knew.  Most of all, He will love you like no one else ever has.  Won't you allow Him to unfold His plan for you?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Change II

I wrote a little about "Change" five days ago, but the Lord has been showing me more about change in the last few days.  So I am going to do a little more writing on this subject.  This will even tie a little bit into my post from last night.

From Joyce Meyer on August 24:  Change requires change!  Only a foolish person thinks they can keep doing the same thing they have always done and get a different result.  From Joyce Meyer today:  Don't be afraid of change because it is always necessary for progress.  All I can say is WOW.  I hope those words spoke to you as they did to me, because they spoke volumes to me.

Last night I spoke about "My Temple", which is my body.  I want "My Temple" and everything within "My Temple" to be pleasing to God.  This will require some change.  Change in how I pray, how I worship, how I spend my time with God, how I act, how I speak, how I dress, how I treat others, how  I eat, how I take care of myself and how I take care of my family.  I cannot continue to do things the way I do now and expect a different result.  I must sacrifice some things to make the changes if I want progression in the plan that the Lord has for my life.  I must learn to submit everything that I have to Him and know that He will keep His promise to me.  I must learn to accept the change and allow it to help me grow in the areas that are being changed.

We must not be afraid of change.  We must know that God will be there to help us through the rough times and allow us to continue you on our path.  We must always remember to thank Him for everything that He is doing for us and the changes that are taking place in our lives.

We serve an awesome God and He is worthy of all our praise.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Temple

1 Corinthians 6: 19-20   19)Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own, 20) you were bought at a price.  Therefore honor God with your body.  

I read this scripture during my bible study this morning and it spoke volumes to me.  My husband has always said that we should take care of our bodies because they are a temple for God.  I guess I never really realized the importance until I reread this again tonight prior to beginning this post.  Once again I am amazed at the way that God will show us something at the time that we really need it in our lives.

Just today, I was thinking about how much I really need and want to lose weight.  The last few months have been very emotionally hard for me.  I have tacked on about 30 unanswered pounds.  It seems like the more I gain, the more I seem to be losing control of the battle.  The last few months have been very trying for me and I guess that I have chosen to allow food to comfort me.  I have struggled with my weight for many, many years.  There are times when I have lost weight and then I will gain it back, lose it again and gain it back and on and on and on.  That is why after reading this scripture again tonight I realized that it is time to do something about it.  I know that I must surrender "my temple" to God and allow Him to have total control.

This is going to be quite a challenge for me.  I know that it will require a lot of discipline and hard work, but I am ready to give it all I have.  I also know that I need to do this for me and my family.  I want to be here to enjoy my children and my grandchildren.  I want to be able to do things with my family and not feel tired anymore.  I want to be happy again about who I am and the way I look.  I want  "My Temple" to be pleasing to God.  I know I have said this many, many times, but I want everything I do in my life to bring honor and glory to Him.

Take a look at "Your Temple" today.  Is there anything that you need or want to change?  If so, give it to Him and He will take the journey with you.     

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What a Ride

I cannot believe that yesterday marked the fourth week that I have been writing "The Pantry".  It honestly does not seem that long.  It seems like only yesterday when I decided to give it a try.  

I cannot even begin to tell you how I feel.  I forgot how much I love to write.  This blog has brought so much joy and purpose into my life.  Each time I sit down to write I just feel so blessed and excited.  There is such a feeling that comes over me when I write that I cannot explain and there is such a beautiful peace that surrounds me.  On those few days that I haven't written, I feel really bad; like I am letting down my best friend.      

I have said this many times, but I truly believe that God is the co-author of this blog.  There are times when I am writing that I don't even remember what I just wrote.  I know that He is with me and that there is something that He wants me to say.    I have learned to listen for Him.  I also pray before I begin my writing, which has allowed me to spend more time in prayer and bible study.  I have learned a lot in the last few weeks.

I hope that you will decide to continue following this blog.  My prayer is that you will be blessed by "The Pantry" and that what you read will inspire you.  I know that God will keep stocking it so that we will remain filled with His precious teachings and words.  Thank you so much for your continued support.  Remember you comments are always welcome and I read every single one.

Thank you Lord, for all of Your blessings and Your continued help with this work.  May all honor and glory belong to You.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hitting the Brick Wall

How many of you have hit brick walls?  I don't necessarily mean a real brick wall, I am just talking about a point where you just cannot go anymore, and you are stuck?  I can tell you, I have hit many a brick wall.  This is also a term that we use at work, which means that we are beyond tired.  I must tell you that today I hit the brick wall at work about 1:00.  Since this was my first day shift, I was a little behind the 8 ball anyway.  But I did make it through with flying colors.

Do you ever stop to think about how this "brick wall" came into your life?  Sometimes I think it is just a circumstance of life.  We are all going to hit "brick walls" at some time or another.  How we deal with these walls is another story.

A few days ago, I received this message on a daily message site I belong to called, God wants you to know.  Here is the message from 8-15:  God wants you to know.....that when you come to a wall, you can either climb it, or you can simply walk around until you find a door.  Don't make life so hard, - look for the doors!!!   How true that statement is.  Sometimes we tend to become so focused on one thing, that everything else just passes us by.   We use the wall as an excuse; an excuse for not wanting to work, not wanting to go to school, not wanting to go to church, etc.  We become so obsessed with this wall, that we lose focus of how to remove all the things that don't belong there.  We also will walk right by some of the open doors and never peak in.

I am so thankful that God has a plan to get us away from these "brick walls".  Please step out today and take that step to be the person God wants to you be.  

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Tomorrow I begin my new shift at work.  I am excited but a little nervous.  I have been working the night shift for the last year and a half.  I know that going to the day shift will be a lot better for my family and probably my health, but I have liked the atmosphere of working at night. 

I work with some fantastic people and I know that the transition will be pretty painless.  The only thing I am worried about is getting up in the morning.  I am really not a morning person.  I am use to staying up until 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning, but now I will have to be going to bed at 10:00pm, because believe me, I need my beauty sleep.  I am sure that it will take me a couple of weeks to adjust and I will be fine.

I truly believe that God has us go through some of these "changes" in life, so that we can see what we are made of.  He also wants to see how we react to certain situations and if we will follow His will.  I know that the Lord has had his hand in this from the very beginning.  Just the way everything worked out, I know that it could not have been for any other reason.  I hope God will continue to make changes to my life and continue to allow me to do His will. 

I am willing to make the changes that the Lord sees fit for me to make.  Are you willing to allow him to make changes for you?

Friday, August 19, 2011

Gracious, Righteous and Compassion

Have you ever felt that everything was closing in on you and you had no where to escape to?  Have you ever been given a diagnosis by a doctor, and you wonder if you are going to make it?  Well, I have and I can tell you first hand that it is not fun.  This October will mark my 17th year of being an Ovarian Cancer Survivor.  I can tell you first hand that getting that "C" word diagnosis will bring you to your knees in half a second and totally set your world into a vicious spin that you think will never end. 

As I was doing my bible study this evening, I came across a chapter in Psalms that meant so much to me when I was going through my cancer treatments, Psalm 116.  I would love for you to take a moment and read this chapter.  There is such a powerful lesson to be learned in this chapter.  Verses 5-6 really spoke to me today:  5-The Lord is gracious and righteous; and God is full of compassion.  6-The Lord protects the simplehearted; when I was in great need, he saved me.   God is so good.   

I was healed and know that God poured out His healing power upon me all those years ago.  I am so grateful that He is gracious, righteous and compassionate.  Although we are given battles in our lives, we must always remember that God will never give us more than we can handle.  I know that God put me through that rough time in my life, so that I could use what I learned from that experience to help others.  Sixteen years ago, I wondered "why" He spared my life.  I knew what I was going through was for a reason, but I didn't know what.  I can tell you, almost seventeen later, I am still trying to figure out the "why".  

I have always tried to encourage others who are going through cancer or have family members going through cancer.  I remember the way that I was treated by the doctors and nurses who took care of me, and I want to take care of the patients that I deal with now in that same way.  I want people to know that no matter what the doctor says, God is the ultimate healer.  I love being able to talk with someone about my experience and my journey and I hope that it will help them on theirs.  So as I write this, I guess I am figuring out the "why".  As you can see, God can use anyone to spread His word and be an example of His works.  My God, you are so good.  Isn't it great to have a teacher who will show you grace, righteousness and compassion?  Thank you Lord for teaching us about grace, righteousness and compassion.  May everything that we do bring all honor and glory to You.   

Thursday, August 18, 2011


If you read my blog yesterday, you will remember that I talked about being FREE.  I kept feeling that the Lord wanted me to share a little bit more with you about freedom.  I looked up the word freedom on dictionary.com and it gave me five different definitions.  The fifth definition being:  personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery.  If you will also recall the following words that I mentioned from the song "Freedom" that I have been listening to:  No more shackles, no more chains, no more bondage, I am free.  

I cannot tell you how many times I have listened to that song over the last week.  No matter if I am in my car or at home when I listen to this song, I have the same reaction.  The hair on the back of my neck stands up, I get goose bumps and I feel an overwhelming presence of God.  It is the most awesome feeling ever.  It is awesome to know that we can be free from all of the things of our past.  We don't have to hold onto to them anymore nor do we have to be tied down by them.  God wants us to know that we can be free all we have to do is ask.  He will free us from those things that bind us and make us new.  Jesus died so that we could be Free, can you take a moment today to praise Him?    

Now to switch gears to those who fight for our earthly freedom and our country.  Our military men and woman make such a sacrifice to ensure that our freedom as Americans is preserved.  I would like to say Thank You to all who have served and are still serving in our military for our Freedom.  In the last few weeks there have been way to many of these fine men and woman who have been killed.  My heart aches for these families and I pray that God will comfort them and pour His love out upon them.  Please take some time in your daily prayers to pray for our military.   

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

His Plan

First of all, I would like to start off by saying that I am so happy to be FREE. I have been listening to a song called "Freedom" that we sing at church.  Whenever I listen to this song, I can feel the Lord speaking to me and confirming to me that I am FREE.  No more shackles, no more chains, no more bondage, I am FREE.  Thank you my sweet Jesus.

If you have been reading my post the last few days, you will know that the Lord has really been speaking to me about "His" plan and trusting in "Him".  It seems that everywhere I have turned, everything I have read, everything I have heard over the last few days, has led me back to the same thing:  His plan in His time and learning to trust in Him.  Although we may know what we want to do and how we want to do it; or where we want to go and how we want to get there, it may not be what is part of our plan.  We must put all of our trust in God and we must commit everything that we do unto Him.

I had the wonderful pleasure of  listening to my son preach to the church youth group tonight.  His sermon even touched a little on what God is wanting from us.  He spoke about the fact that we need to put on the Armor of God.  We are here to serve God and it is our responsibility to do what He asks of us.  If you would have asked me a year ago, or even 7 months ago, would I be watching my son preach to a youth group?  I would have said no.  However, God had a plan for my son's life and His plan is being revealed to him everyday.  I cannot wait to see where it takes him.  Praise God!!!

If you would have asked me a month ago, if I would be writing a blog, I would have said no.  However, God had a plan for me and He is revealing it to me each and everyday.  I am so honored and blessed.  I don't know where this is leading, but I am along for the ride.  Thank you my sweet Jesus!!  I may be typing the words, but they are not always just mine.  God has taken something that I love to do, which is writing, and used it for His glory.

Is there something that you are passionate about?  Keep your spirit, your heart and your mind open to God's calling.  You never know what His plan for you may be, so don't let it pass you by.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Trusting in God

Proverbs 16, was my reading for today.  If you have not read it, I suggest you take a few minutes to do so.  There is a lot of wisdom to be learned from the passage of scripture.  You know you are in for a good lesson when the first thing you read is Proverbs 16:1-To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the reply of the tongue.  

We all have plans on what we want to do and what we want out of our lives.  It takes some of us a very long time to realize that our plans are not necessarily His plans.  As I talked about on Sunday, God will use people, places and things to get us to where we are suppose to be.  He is ultimately in control.

We see a promise in Proverbs 16:3-Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.    We must have faith in that whatever we commit to God, He will bless. The bible also tells us in Verse 9, that He will determine our steps:  In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. God will watch all of our steps so that we can walk in the way that He has planned for our life.  The final verse that really spoke to me today was verse 20: Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord.  We must follow the instructions that He gives us and trust that He will keep his promises.

In closing today, my hope is that you will see how much God wants to take you where you have never even dreamed could be possible.  He wants to love you and show you all that He has in store for you.  God's plans are far better than the plans that we have for ourselves.  Will you trust in Him today?        

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Short Note

I hope this finds you all doing well.  I am not going to spend much time today as I have to work tonight, so I must get in a nap.  I just want to take a moment to thank you for following this blog.  For the last two weeks, I have enjoyed writing to you in hopes that what I say may inspire and enrich your lives.  I truly feel that the Lord has blessed me with The Pantry, and I am so excited to see where He will continue to lead me.

I am believing that God will lead more people to this blog.  I know that God is still doing a work in me and I am still growing in my relationship with Him.  What I love most about spending time with God, is the fact that it is always a learning process and there is always room to grow.  The best part is that I am not alone, He is there every step of the way.  Allow Him to work in you today.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

God's Plan

Do you ever stop to think about where you are and how you got there?  Then you realize that you are in the place that you are because of God and the plan that He has for your life.  Then you look back a little bit further and you can see where He has touched your life and directed you in the way that you should go.   

I realized while watching the youth from our church tonight at the ice rink, that I am so blessed to be where I am today.  I never thought that finding an ice rink in Oklaoma City in March 2006 would lead me to being in that same ice rink tonight with so many who have become family.  My son and his beautiful girlfriend met at this same ice rink almost a year ago.  As she and I were talking, we both know that God has had His hand on how everything has turned out for our families.  God has a plan.  Things may come along and happen that we don't quit understand, but we will see a few months down the road that it was His plan.  Now, instead of spending my Sunday afternoons and evenings, in this same ice rink, watching my son play hockey, I now attend church with him, his beautiful girlfriend and her parents, and watch him praising and worshiping God.  I see the call of God on his life and it makes me so proud.  Who would have thought that deciding to go ice skating on St. Patrick's day weekend of  March 2006, would have led us to where we are today? 

Ironically, I read this on my Facebook page prior to beginning the writing of this post.  From Joyce Meyer Ministries:  God is working in you and in your life right now.  You may not feel it or see it, but you can believe it. 

You never know where or how God will use a place, person or thing, to get you were He needs and wants you to be.  But I can assure you my friend that He does. I can also assure you that there is no other feeling like it in this world when you realize that He loves you and only wants whats best for you.  God is so good.    

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Rain

Today, I am so very, very thankful for the rain. I sure do love a good thunderstorm.  I love the sound of the rain and the clap of the thunder.  I  love watching the lightening and the way it dances across the sky.  

As a child I remember thinking that the thunder was God rearranging furniture in heaven.  I thought the rain were His tears.  I never really thought about what the lightening meant, I just remember being afraid of it.  As a child did you ever have an explanation for the rain, thunder and lightening?  If you have children, what are their thoughts?

As I look out the window, I see the trees blowing in the wind and the clouds, and I am thankful.  I see the wetness of the lawn, trees, plants and driveway, and I am thankful.  Thankful that he has answered so many prayers by bringing the rain and cooler temperatures.  He is good.

We must remember that He will never give us more than we can handle.  We must also remember that things will come in His time not our time.  We may not always understand why things happen the way they do, but we must have faith, that He knows why they happen.  This is one of my favorite scriptures:  Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Trust in Him to meet all of your needs, trust in Him to answer all of your prayers, trust in Him to show you the plans that He has for you, trust in Him to be who He says He is.  Do you trust Him today?  I sure do.

Like God pours down the rain from heaven, He will pour down his love for you if you will just open your heart for Him and let Him in.      

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


The Lord has taken me on quite a little journey this morning.  I know I have said this before, but I am totally amazed at the way God continues to use people, their words and His words to bring a point or lesson across.  As I have said before, the words I write are not only mine but His.  I believe God has called me to spread His word in a way that means so much to me.  Lord, I give you all the glory.

I was catching up on Facebook this morning and noticed a post from a friend, " Sometimes I think God has his favorites, I don't think I am one of them!!!!!"   (Long story short, this friend has been struggling with some employment issues and had an interview for the job that they really wanted, but did not get it.)  This really broke my heart.  I have been following this friend and they have put their trust and faith in God, but as you can tell by the words, does not feel that they are favored.  Have you ever felt this way?  I know I have.

So after reading this post, I continued with my bible reading for the day.  I was flipping through my bible on my way to Romans when my bible opened to Mark 11:25-And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.  (NIV)  This took me to Matthew 21:21-Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done".  (NIV)  Then we journeyed to Matthew 7:7-"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (NIV)  Lastly, Luke 17:6-He replied, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you.  (NIV)  Here is where it gets more amazing, I get Facebook updates from Joel Osteen Ministries and Joyce Meyer Ministries everyday.  Today's messages were:  Joel Osteen:  "The more you speak God's Word, the more His goodness fills your heart and the more real His promises become in your life."  Joyce Meyer:  "Worry is like rocking in a rocking chair all day, because it keeps you busy but gets you nowhere."

God is so very good.  He first tells us to forgive so that we may be forgiven and able to receive.  We must have faith that He will do what He has promised us He will do.  We must "ask" and even if we only have a small amount of faith, He assures us that it will be given.  We must speak His words and allow Him to fill us with His presence and teaching.  Although it is our human nature to worry, we should put all of our faith in Him and allow Him to fulfill His plan and purpose for us.

What promises are you believing for today?  Are you willing to allow Him to keep His promise no matter how long it takes or are you going to stay in the rocking chair?    

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Junk

I know I mention this often, but I will mention it again and again and again, I love my church!!!  Last night was a wonderful service.  Thank you Brother Daren Davis for the wonderful message you preached last night.  It was fantastic and right on.  The following is what I received from this sermon in my own words and as directed by Him, who is the true writer of "The Pantry".    

We all have "Junk" in our lives even if we don't want to admit it.  We even try to hide it.  We put on the face that we think everyone wants to see.  We say the things we think everyone wants to hear.  We act the way we think everyone wants us to act.  But when it comes right down to it, we are absolutely miserable.  Our "junk" has taken over our lives.  It has robbed us of our joy and our happiness.  We smile on the outside, but we are crying on the inside.  We say things are fine, ok and alright, but inside we are sad, miserable and have a feeling of worthlessness.  We do things that we have always done and seem to enjoy them, but inside we would just rather crawl up in a ball and stay that way forever.  We become so consumed with our "junk" that we lose who we are and who we want to become.  We lose sight of His plan for our lives.

Is this you?  I will be honest with you, at times, it is me.  We do not want to allow ourselves to deal with the "junk", we just want to keep pushing it away or sweeping it under the rug.  We don't want anyone to know about what is going on with us.  We don't want anyone to question us about how we are feeling.  We just want to pretend that everything is ok, when it really isn't.  We continue to live in a place that is not real to us and we begin to wonder if there is an answer.

I have good news for you my beloved readers, there is an answer.  The answer is Jesus.  He is a healer, a redeemer and a deliverer.  He is a friend and a confidant.  He will help you to get rid of your "junk" and reveal to you His purpose and plan for your life.  Romans 8:28  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  (NIV)

Brother Davis posed this question in his sermon last night, "Am I willing to endure the "junk" so that God receives the glory?"  My answer is yes.  What is yours?  I am thankful that last night at church, I was given the opportunity to take my "junk" and leave it at the altar and I did.  Thank you Jesus, for your mercy and to You I give all the glory.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Time is a very valuable thing these days.  It seems that we are always running here, there and everywhere.  There is always some function, some game, some party, etc.  Everyone is always so busy. 

During some of my reading time this morning I came across this from Joyce Meyer Ministries, "Every day of your life that passes is one you will never get back again, so be sure you don't wast it".  How many of you feel like there are days that you waste?  I will admit that there are probably several days that I feel I have wasted.  Why?  Because sometimes I am just lazy or other things come up.  I try to plan my days, but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.  I know that it will work if I just focus and get it done. 

I have done really well this week in keeping up with my bible readings.  Sometimes I don't do so well, but I have decided that I am not going to waste any more time on not getting this done..  Not to mention it is good for the soul.

As you go through this week, take some time to make sure that you are not wasting time.  Make sure that you are taking advantage of every signle minute that you are awake.  Love someone, call someone, sit with someone, write someone, etc.  Just do something that will enable you to not waste time and be a blessing to someone else. 

Friday, August 5, 2011


When was the last time that you took inventory of what was in your kitchen/pantry?  I can promise you it has been a really long time for me.  I need to really work on getting that done before the fall/winter season.  It gets to me sometimes when I get to the store and realize that I forgot to check if I was out of a a particular item or not.   Not to mention if I forget my coupon binder. 

When was the last time you took an inventory of your spiritual life?  What things did you discover that you always needed to have?  I like to have my bible, a notebook or journal, and I also read a few things on the internet that I like to read.  These are very impornant things to me when I read.   

I have noticed that when I take the time to read each day, I feel so much better.  I also find that the things I am readying all tie together.  I love it how God does this.  It is almost like he is thumping me on the head and saying have you got this yet? 

I challenge you to take an inventory.  Is there anything you would like to change with your inventory?  If so, now is the time to do it.  Have a save and blessed weekend. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I read the following on Joel Osteen's Facebook page today, "You can receive words that heal you, and you can give words that heal others.  It's a powerful way to live.  Everywhere you go, every life you come in contact with, through the power of God's word and your spoken words, you can be a healer." 

There are so many out there who need some type of healing.  Whether it be from a sickness in their body or mind, an addiction, a spiritual situation, a financial situation or whatever it may be, there is a God who is a mighty healer. 

I am not going to spend a lot of time writing today.  But I am going to give you a challenge.  Today, I would like you to think of someone who is in need of healing, no matter what it is.  I will then ask you to spend some time in prayer for this person.  Even though you don't think you have what it takes to heal someone, you will be amazed at what your prayer will do, because He hears it all. 

Today, I would like to dedicate this post to my sister's friend, Tracy.  She is not only my sister's friend, but has become a part of our family.  She suffered a heart attack and is in a critical care unit.  I am believing for a healing of her body. 

     Lord, I thank you for this day and all that You do for us.  Lord, I lift Tracy to You and in the sweet name of Jesus I pray for healing for her body.  I pray that You will touch her heart and heal it as only You can.  I pray that You will be with all of those who are taking care of her.  I pray that You will be with her family and friends and give them peace and comfort.  I pray that You will give them assurance that You are in control of this situation.  Lord, You deserve all the honor and the praise.  Thank you for your promises.  In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.  

Tracy, we love you and are praying for your speedy recovery. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


What is your definition of Faith?  To me, faith is believing in something that I cannot necessarily see with my eyes, feel with my hands or hear with my ears.  Instead it is something that I can see with my soul, hear with my soul and feel with my soul.  Although, I cannot see God with my eyes, I can see Him with my soul, hear Him with my soul and feel Him with my soul.  

I just completed my bible study for today and as I was reading, these words stuck out to me:  trust, rescue, save, hope, restore, increase, promise, faithful, transform, free, heal. Here is what I was lead to write:  

When I trust in God, He will rescue me and save me.  
When I have hope in Him, He can restore my life.  
He will bring me increase.  
He will always keep His promise
He is always faithful.  
He can transform me, free me and heal me.

All of these words were taken from different books, chapters, and verses of the bible and also a couple of other daily readings that I do.  Faith is believing and seeing that no matter where these words came from, He can use them to reach out to us and get His message across.  

I have been so blessed the last week while writing this blog.  I must tell you that everyday before I sit down to write, I ask God to allow my words to be His words.  I am so honored right now, that God is using me to deliver His word.  I want to take a moment to praise Him right now:  Oh, thank you Lord,  for what You are doing in my life.  I love You and You deserve all the honor, glory and praise for these words.  

On July, 9, 2011, I attended a 2nd Anniversary Service for one of our satellite churches.  At the end of that service during the altar call a song "I Give Myself Away" was sung.  These are the words: 
 I give myself away, I give myself away, so you can use me
Here I am, Here I stand, Lord, my life is in your hands, 
Lord, I'm longing to see, Your desires revealed in me
Take my heart, Take my life, As a living sacrifice
All my dreams all my plans, Lord I place them in your hands
My life is not my own, To you I belong 
I give myself, I give myself to you.

I didn't realize then, how much this song would end up meaning to me.  I searched you tube and found a video with the music and the words on it.  I have listened to it numerous time since then.  As I just listened to make sure I got the words write, I cannot even begin to tell you what I was feeling.  God is so good and I never want this feeling to end.  

There have been several altar calls at church where our Pastor has asked that anyone who is wanting to know what God has planned for them and where He wants to take them to come down for prayer.  I have gone down every time.  I just want Him to use me, so that everything that I do, will bring honor and glory to Him.  

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful Pastor and church family.  I have never felt more at home in a church than I do at Life Tabernacle in Mustang, OK.  

I can assure you right now my friends that what I am feeling today is Faith.  Faith in that my God will do everything that He has promised; faith that He will continue to use me to share His word with you; and faith that you will see that He can do the same for you.    


Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Last night, I was typing an email to a friend telling her about what has been going on with me and as I was typing I began to realize how thankful I am.  Sometimes, I think we get so caught up in worldly things that we forget to be thankful for everything that is around us.  At times, I believe that we tend to take some things for granted.

Here are some of the things that I am Thankful for:

  • A God who loves me for who I am and forgives me.
  • A husband who loves me and takes care of me.  
  • A son who has grown up to be an exceptional adult and who makes thisMother very proud.  I love him more than words can ever say.  
  • A daughter who is a fantastic mother and wife, whom I am also very proud of.  
  • A grandson, who makes me smile.
  • Parents who have taught me what love, work and life is all about.  Without them, I would be nothing.  
  • A Sister whom I love dearly and am so blessed to have.
  • The remainder of my family who has touched my life in one way or the other.
  • My friends.  I have been blessed with some wonderful friends and some of whom I consider more like family.  
  • My job.
  • My writing.
I could go on and on, but I believe that these are the most important things I am thankful for.  Being thankful is a very important part of our Pantry.  When when we are thankful for the things in our lives, God receives all the praise, honor and glory. 

Here are a few things to think on today:  
  • From Joyce Meyer Ministries-Try to get through the day without uttering one complaint.  Be thankful and say so.
  • From Joel Olsteen Ministries-When you fill your word's with God's word, you set the winds of change in motion.  You receive more of what God has for you, and you become a blessing to everyone and everything around you.  

What are you thankful for today?  Will you be a blessing to everyone and everything around you?  I hope I am.  Be blessed today my friends.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Happy Monday and thank you Lord, for this beautiful day.  As I look back on the last week, I am very humbled and thankful.  One week ago today I wrote my first blog.  I have always loved to write, but never really pursued it.  I have always tried to decide what I wanted to be when I grew up, but had never figured it out.  Last Sunday when I was at work a group of us were talking about what we enjoyed doing.  Talking with a friend I said, "I have always wanted to be a writer", and she said, "Well, do it"; so here we are today.  As I mentioned in my first post, God also played a huge part in the beginning of this journey.  So to my wonderful and amazing Heavenly Father, thank you and I give You all the honor and praise.  To my dear friend, Cayce, thank you for giving me the extra push I needed to "Just Do It".  

I know that I still have a very long way to go.  I know you can't become a Nora Roberts, Sandra Brown or author over night.  But I can tell you this; when I sit down at my computer to write, my heart and my mind are happy.  My spirit feels free.  I am not the lone author of the words on this blog.  God has used this tool to help me to spread His word.  I may not be a minister, pastor, or evangelist, but I am a child of God and He will use us to reach His people.  When I write I feel the presence of God with me.  He is that warm feeling that I feel in my stomach.  If you have ever felt that you know what I mean.  So this has not only been a personal journey for me, but a spiritual one as well.  I feel a sense of accomplishment and purpose.  I will honest with you, there are times when I feel I have no important purpose in life but this door that God has opened has given me purpose and direction.  

To all of you that have responded to my posts, thank you.  I am glad that you are enjoying them.  Please continue to let me know what you think.  If you have any suggestions for topics just let me know.  If this blog has been an inspiration to you, please feel free to refer your friends and family.  Until later..............