
My prayer is that you will be inspired, touched and filled with joy. May you realize that God is good all the time.

Monday, July 25, 2011

About The Pantry

I am so excited about this venture.  I enjoy writing and have enjoyed posting on Facebook, but I decided that I wanted to branch out a little.  My prayer is that this blog will bring you words of encouragement that will strengthen your faith, help you when you are having a bad day or simply just bring you joy by reading it. 

I would like to start of by explaining the name "The Pantry".  I was trying to think of a name and nothing was coming to me.  I decided to just ask the Lord what He thought would be a good name.  My mind was running in circles and I just felt like I could not think clearly.  I decided that I would go outside and water the lawn.  Within a couple of minutes the words, "The Pantry", entered my mind and I knew right away that this was what He wanted me to title this Blog.  So then I began trying to figure out why this was the chosen name. 

We always hear that the kitchen is the heart of the home and I agree with that statement.  In my opinion the Pantry is the heart of the kitchen.  Why, you may ask?  That is where we store the majority of the groceries that we purchase to feed our families.  The pantry holds our cereal, canned goods, prepared foods, spices, baking products, prepared dinners, etc.  It can also hold the cooking utensils that we use to cook for our families.  The pantry is also the place that holds the special treats that we may purchase for our families like granola bars, cookies, candy and other snackie foods.  The pantry gets lots of use and there are many different uses for the pantry. 

When you think about using the word "Pantry" when referring to God, what do you think of?  Well here is what came to me while watering the lawn.  God is our pantry and we are the items in that pantry.  We are all different with different talents, ideas, personalities, etc.  For example, just like there are different kinds of canned goods, we are all different, but the main purpose is to nourish the body.  God put us all together in this earthly "Pantry" with a unique purpose and plan.  We may not know what that purpose and plan is, but He uses different ways to teach us and lead us in the way that we should go.  Just like using items out of our food pantry to make a meal for our families; God uses items from His pantry and uses them to do His work.  As each item in our food pantry is important, so are we in God's pantry.  We may need to be mixed or blended with someone else to get the desired result and He will do that if you will trust Him and let Him.    

I want to fit into His pantry and allow Him to use me where He needs to.  I want to be able to be mixed into whatever He chooses to put me into.  I want to bring all of the honor and glory to Him. I want to be the item that He chooses to always have on His shelf. 

What are your thoughts of "The Pantry". 

I truly am not sure where this will lead, but the one thing I know for sure is that it belongs to Him.

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